5.0.2 Parameter Changes
5.0.2 Parameter Changes
New Parameters
KFS-AR | CustomerBillingStatement | DEFAULT_FORMAT | SUMMARY | Set this value to "SUMMARY" if you generate the summary statement as default. Set this value to "DETAIL" if you generate the detailed statement as default. | A | CONFG |
KFS-AR | CustomerBillingStatement | DUE_DATE_DAYS | 30 | Set the number of days that will be added to the system date to calculate the due date. | A | CONFG |
KFS-AR | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the account receivable module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-BC | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the budget construction module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAB | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the capital asset builder module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | All | FISCAL_YEAR_END_MONTH_AND_DAY | 630 | The month and day marking the last date of the fiscal year (0630 means June 30th). | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | Asset | DEFAULT_FABRICATION_ASSET_MANUFACTURER | UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTED | Default manufacturer name to be used during Asset Fabrication. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | Asset | MANUFACTURER_REQUIRED_FOR_NON_MOVEABLE_ASSET_IND | Y | Indicates whether or not the Manufacturer is required for a non-moveable asset. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | Asset | VENDOR_REQUIRED_FOR_NON_MOVEABLE_ASSET_IND | Y | Indicates whether or not the vendor is required for a non-moveable asset. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | AssetDepreciationStep | BLANK_OUT_BEGIN_MMDD | The depreciation blank out period begin month and day (in format MM/DD) when the job should not run automatically. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-CAM | AssetDepreciationStep | BLANK_OUT_END_MMDD | The depreciation blank out period end month and day (in format MM/DD) when the job should not run automatically. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-CAM | AssetDepreciationStep | BLANK_OUT_PERIOD_RUN_DATE | The run date (in format mm/dd/yyyy) to run the asset depreciation batch job during the blank out period. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-CAM | AssetDepreciationStep | RUN_DATE | The run date to run the asset depreciation batch job during the blank out period. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-CAM | AssetDepreciationStep | RUN_DATE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESSES | This email list to send a notification when blank out period run date is not set or not in blank out period range. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-CAM | AssetGlobal | NEW_IN_SERVICE_ASSET_DEPRECIATION_START_DATE | 7/1/2012 | New in service asset depreciation start date (mm/dd) used for calculating the half year depreciation convention. The half year convention will calculate the depreciation date exactly six months from this parameter date. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | Batch | INCLUDE_RETIRED_ASSETS_IND | Y | Controls whether the Year End Depreciation Job will process Retired Assets | A | CONFG |
KFS-CAM | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the capital asset management module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-CG | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the contracts and grants module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-COA | Account | DEFAULT_BENEFIT_RATE_CATEGORY_CODE | -- | Defines the default benefit rate category code on the account maintenance document for all accounts. This default code is used when the DEFAULT_BENEFIT_RATE_CATEGORY_CODE_BY_ACCOUNT_TYPE does not apply to an account. -- (two dashes) implies the category code is not applicable. The default cannot be null. | A | CONFG |
KFS-COA | Account | DEFAULT_BENEFIT_RATE_CATEGORY_CODE_BY_ACCOUNT_TYPE | EN=AA;CG=BB | Defines the default benefit rate category code on the account maintenance document by account type. The format is Account Type=Benefit Rate Category Code (eg. DT=AA;A1=BB, etc). | A | CONFG |
KFS-COA | Account | RESEARCH_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_TYPE | ADMIN;PI | If KFS is integrated with a Research Admin System with multiple award address types (such as Kuali Coeus) and accounts are being automatically created based on awards in that system, this parameter defines the address type that should be populated as the account address. The first address type listed will be used if a value exists. If not the second will be used and if no address of the second type exists the address of the third type will be used, etc. | A | CONFG |
KFS-COA | UpdatePriorYearDataStep | RUN_DATE | 6/30/2011 | The run date (in format MM/DD/YYYY ) to run the update prior year data job. | A | CONFG |
KFS-COA | AddPriorYearAccountsStep | PRIOR_YEAR_ACCOUNTS_TO_BE_ADDED | The list of accounts created after the start of a new fiscal year, but need to be used for the prior year and should be added to the Prior Year Account table by the batch job addPriorYearAccountsJob. If no such account exist, this parameter shall be left empty; otherwise, the value shall be in the format of "coaCode1-accountNumber1;coaCode2-accountNumber2;coaCode3-accountNumber3" and so on; for example, the value "BL-0142900;BA-1111111;UA-1000000" defines 3 accounts to be added. The value of this parameter shall be updated after each year end, before running addPriorYearAccountsJob. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-COA | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the chart of accounts module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-EC | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the effort certification module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-ENDOW | PooledFundControlTransactionsStep | INCOME_NO_ROUTE_IND | Y | Flag to specify if an automatically (system) generated Pooled Fund Control Income Distribution transaction eDoc will be submitted without routing for approval (Yes) or for manual approval through workflow (No). | A | CONFG |
KFS-ENDOW | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the endowment module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | CashReceipt | CHANGE_REQUEST_ENABLED_IND | Y | Indicator to turn Cash receipt change request ability on and off. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | DisbursementVoucher | ENABLE_SEPARATION_OF_DUTIES_IND | Y | Indicates whether separation of duties should take place when the payee is the only approver on a DV value: Y | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | DisbursementVoucher | IMMEDIATE_EXTRACT_NOTIFICATION_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS | knoreceipt-l@indiana.edu | Email address which sends out the notification that a disbursement voucher was prepared for immediate extraction. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | DisbursementVoucher | IMMEDIATE_EXTRACT_NOTIFICATION_TO_EMAIL_ADDRESSES | knoreceipt-l@indiana.edu | Email addresses which receive notification that a disbursement voucher was prepared for immediate extraction. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | DisbursementVoucher | PAYMENT_REASON_CODE_RENTAL_PAYMENT | T | Non Taxable Payment Reason Code - Rental Payment | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | DisbursementVoucher | PAYMENT_REASON_CODE_ROYALTIES | R | Non Taxable Payment Reason Code - Royalties | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | DisbursementVoucher | PAYMENT_REASON_CODE_TRAVEL_HONORARIUM | X | Non Taxable Payment Reason Code - Travel Honorarium | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | ProcurementCardCreateDocumentsStep | PROCUREMENT_CARD_ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_IND | N | If yes, accounting information is displayed / required on the Procurement Card Document Default maintenance document and accounting line information on the Procurement Card document is populated from Procurement Card Document Default table, if present. If accounting information does not exist in the reference table for a given credit card, the ERROR_TRANSACTION* parameter values will be used. If No, the accounting line information on the Procurement Card document is generated from the bank file. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | ProcurementCardCreateDocumentsStep | PROCUREMENT_CARD_HOLDER_DEFAULT_IND | N | If yes, cardholder information is displayed / required on the Procurement Card Document Default maintenance document and cardholder information on the Procurement Card document is populated from Procurement Card Document Default table, if present. If No, the cardholder information on the Procurement Card document is generated from the bank file. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the financial processing module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-FP | AuxiliaryVoucher | REVERSAL_DATE_DEFAULT_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH | 15 | The day of the month that will prefill into the Auxiliary Voucher Reversal Date. | A | CONFG |
KFS-GL | AccountBalanceByConsolidation | BASIC_ACCOUNTING_CATEGORY_REPRESENTING_EXPENSES | EX | The basic accounting category type which will represent expenses in Account Balance by Consolidation lookups. | A | CONFG |
KFS-GL | Batch | FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS | From email address used for messages sent by the system. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-GL | CollectorStep | VALIDATION_ERROR_EMAIL_SUBJECT_LINE | File Uploaded Not Processed | This is the subject line used when the collector sends out email relating to a file that failed validation. | A | CONFG |
KFS-GL | AccountBalanceByConsolidation | BASIC_ACCOUNTING_CATEGORY_REPRESENTING_EXPENSES | EX | The basic accounting category type which will represent expenses in Account Balance by Consolidation lookups. | A | CONFG |
KFS-GL | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the general ledger module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | Batch | FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS | From email address used for messages sent by the system. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-LD | LaborEnterpriseFeedStep | GENERATE_FRINGE_BENEFIT_ENCUMBRANCE_IND | Y | When this parameter is <93>Y<94>, the fringe benefit encumbrance will be generated by the Enterprise Feeder Step for the corresponding salary encumbrance amount. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | LaborEnterpriseFeedStep | GENERATE_FRINGE_BENEFIT_IND | Y | When this parameter is <93>Y<94>, the fringe benefit will be generated by the Enterprise Feeder Step for the corresponding salary actual amount. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | LaborEnterpriseFeedStep | LABOR_BENEFIT_CALCULATION_OFFSET_IND | N | If yes (Y), the labor benefit calculations will use an offset account to post offset entries to GL. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | LaborEnterpriseFeedStep | LABOR_BENEFIT_OFFSET_DOCTYPE | PAYR | A list of doc types that will be used for labor benefit offset calculation. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | LaborEnterpriseFeedStep | MAX_NUMBER_OF_ERRORS_ALLOWED | 0 | The number of errors allowed in the fringe and encumbrance generation process. When the file contains beyond this number, the output file will not be created in the origin entry directory. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | LedgerEntry | LINK_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_TO_LABOR_ORIGIN_CODES | LD;PL | The list of origin codes which will cause a general ledger Entry's document number on a lookup to form a link to the list of labor ledger entries which created that general ledger entry. | A | CONFG |
KFS-LD | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the labor distribution module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | All | SEND_ACH_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_IND | Y | If set to Y PDP will send ACH email notifications to payees. If set to N PDP will not send these notifications. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | Batch | ACH_BANK_INPUT_FILE | FedACHdir.txt | The name of the file to load into the Federal ACH Bank Directory File. This file is used to validate bank routing numbers. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | Batch | FEDERAL_ACH_BANK_FILE_URL | https://www.fededirectory.frb.org/FedACHdir.txt | The URL of the file to download from the Federal ACH Bank Directory website. This file is then loaded into the ACH bank table. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | Batch | FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS | From email address used for messages sent by the system. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-PDP | SendAchAdviceNotificationsStep | ACH_SUMMARY_CC_EMAIL_ADDRESSES | knoreceipt-l@indiana.edu | The pdpSendAchAdviceNotificationsJob generates ACH payment summary email notifications for payees and copies of these emails are sent to the email address(es) specified in this parameter. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the pre-disbursement module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | Batch | FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS | From email address used for messages sent by the system. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-PURAP | Document | APPROVE_ACCOUNTING_LINES_WITH_ZERO_DOLLAR_AMOUNT_IND | Y | Indicates if Fiscal Officer can approve an accounting line that has zero dollar amount. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | Document | COPY_ACCOUNTING_LINES_WITH_ZERO_AMOUNT_FROM_PO_TO_PREQ_IND | Y | Indicates if an accounting line with zero dollar amount from Purchase Order document can be copied to Payment Request document. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | Document | DISTRIBUTION_METHOD_FOR_ACCOUNTING_LINES | S | Indicates the distribution method(s) an institution will support. The values will be S (Sequential), P (Proportional), S;P (both with Sequential as default), or P;S (both, with Proportional as default). With the Sequential method account segments will be expensed/disencumbered in the order in which they appear, up to the specified dollar amount. Percentages are used on account segments to indicate how "residual" amounts are to be funded. With the Proportional method account segments will be expensed/disencumbered proportionally. Dollar amounts are used on account segments only to assist in calculating a percent distribution. Residuals will also be funded proportionally. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | ElectronicInvoiceStep | OVERRIDE_PROCESSING_CAMPUS | This parameter is to determine the campus for electronic invoice payments. If parameter value is populated, set the processing campus on the eInvoice generated PREQ to the parameter value. If parameter value is empty, use the Requisition initiator's campus code. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-PURAP | LineItemReceiving | UNORDERED_ITEM_WARNING_IND | Y | Indicates whether a warning message shall be given when a user clicks 'add unordered item' button. When set to Y the user will receive a warning. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | PurchaseOrder | SENSITIVE_DATA_NOTE_IND | N | Indicates whether a note will be automatically added to the PO when marked Sensitive Data. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | PurchaseOrder | SHOW_DEBARRED_VENDOR_WARNING_IND | Y | This indicates whether a warning or an error should be displayed when a debarred vendor is selected in a purchase order. If Y then a warning is displayed. If N an error is displayed. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | PurchaseOrderAmendment | UNORDERED_ITEM_DEFAULT_COMMODITY_CODE | 99200000 | The default commodity code for unordered items. If commodity code is enabled and required on purchase order items, this value will be populated as the default commodity code for all unordered items when a Purchase Order Amendment Document is created from a Line Item Receiving Document. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | Requisition | SHOW_DEBARRED_VENDOR_WARNING_IND | Y | This indicates whether a warning or an error should be displayed when a debarred vendor is selected in a requisition. If Y then a warning is displayed. If N an error is displayed. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | Document | PAYMENT_REQUEST_POSITIVE_APPROVAL_IND | Y | Display the functionality on a Requisition and Purchase Order document to trigger Positive Approval indicator. If this parameter is set to "N", the indicator will not be displayed on any document, and any functionality connected to the indicator will be turned off. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | Document | RECEIVING_DOCUMENT_REQUIRED_IND | Y | Display the functionality on a Requisition and Purchase Order document to trigger Receiving Required Indicator. If this parameter is set to "N", the indicator will not be displayed on any document, and any functionality connected to the indicator will be turned off. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PURAP | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the purchasing account/payable module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | All | DOCUMENT_LOCKOUT_DEFAULT_MESSAGE | This document is currently locked out for running batch job. | This parameter is to set the default message for the various documents during the lockout time. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | All | ENABLE_FRINGE_BENEFIT_CALC_BY_BENEFIT_RATE_CATEGORY_IND | Y | When this parameter is enabled, the fringe benefit rate calculation will be performed using the benefit category code assigned to the account and labor benefit calculation type. When the parameter is not enabled, the fringe benefit will be calculated solely based on the fringe benefit type. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | All | USE_COST_SHARE_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_BENEFIT_RATE_IND | Y | When this parameter is enabled, the fringe benefit rate calculation will be performed using the benefit category code assigned to the cost share source account and labor benefit calculation type for the cost share sub-account. When the parameter is not enabled, the fringe benefit will be calculated solely based on benefit category code assigned to the grant account associated with the sub-account. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the system module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Batch | MAX_FILE_SIZE_UPLOAD | 30M | The size limitation for batch file uploads in megabytes. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Batch | RUN_DATE_CUTOFF_TIME | 2:00:00 | Time, in 24 hour time format (hh:mm:ss), after which it is considered to be the next day for the purposes of evaluating RUN_DATE parameters. For example: Today is 9/27/2011, RUN_DATE=9/27/2011, RUN_DATE_CUTOFF_TIME=2:00:00. Due to a slow running schedule a job triggered by RUN_DATE does not have its turn until 1:00 9/28/2011. The job will still run because the cutoff time is 2 hours after midnight. In this case, anything running after 2:00 is considered the next day. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | BatchContainerStep | SEMAPHORE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL | 3000 | Controls the frequency (in milliseconds) with which the batch container (BatchContainerStep) will check for semaphore step files to process. The semaphore files are created by the brte scripts via BatchStepTrigger. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Document | ENABLE_FISCAL_PERIOD_SELECTION_IND | Y | Enables fiscal period field on financial documents for posting back to a previous period (year end processing). | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Document | FISCAL_PERIOD_SELECTION_DOCUMENT_TYPES | AD;AV;AVAD;AVAE;DI;DVCA;DVWF;GEC;IB;ICA;ND;SB;TF;PE;ARG;AA;AT;MPAY | Document types for which the accounting period will be rendered for posting back to previous periods (year end processing). Use in conjunction with ENABLE_FISCAL_PERIOD_SELECTION_IND. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Document | NUMBER_OF_POSTBACK_PERIODS | 1 | Number of periods previous to the current period to allow for year end posting. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Document | UPDATE_TOTAL_AMOUNT_IN_POST_PROCESSING_IND | N | Determines whether functionality to update a financial document's total amount during routing post-processing should be carried out. | A | CONFG |
KFS-SYS | Document | WORKSTUDY_ROUTE_OBJECT_CODES | Object codes that trigger workstudy routing on Salary Transfer and Effort Certification Documents. | A | CONFG | |
KFS-VND | Lookup | EXCLUSION_AND_DEBARRED_VENDOR_TYPES | PO;DV | This parameter identifies the vendor types available as search criteria on the Vendor Exclusion and Debarred Unmatched Vendor lookups. | A | CONFG |
KFS-VND | All | OLTP_LOCKOUT_ACTIVE_IND | N | Y/N indicator showing if the vendor module is currently unavailable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). Y means the module is currently locked and cannot be used. N means the module is unlocked and available for use. | A | CONFG |
Modified Parameters
NMSPC_CD | CMPNT_CD | PARM_NM | KFS 4.1.1 Value | KFS 5.0 Value |
KFS-CG | All | MAXIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESPONSIBILITY_ID | (unchanged - NMSPC_CD being altered) | (new NMSPC_CD = KFS-COA) |
KFS-CG | CfdaBatchStep | * | (unchanged - NMSPC_CD being altered) | (new NMSPC_CD = KFS-COA; changed back to KFS_CG in 5.0.1) |
KFS-CAM | AssetGlobal | CAPITAL_OBJECT_ACQUISITION_CODES | ???? (Doesn't matter) | (current value with "T" appended to the list) |
KFS-CAM | Batch | DEPRECIATION_RUN_DATE | 2008-04-01 (only changed if this is the value) | 4/1/2008 |
KFS-SYS | BatchUpload | BATCH_UPLOAD_HELP_URL | customerLoadInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;procurementCardInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;collectorFlatFileInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;collectorXmlInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;enterpriseFeederFileSetType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;laborEnterpriseFeederFileSetType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;assetBarcodeInventoryInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;paymentInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm | customerLoadInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;customerLoadCSVInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;procurementCardInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;collectorFlatFileInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;collectorXmlInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;enterpriseFeederFileSetType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;laborEnterpriseFeederFileSetType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;assetBarcodeInventoryInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm;paymentInputFileType=default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2Fbatch.htm |
Deleted Parameters
KFS-COA | Account | ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_TYPE | ADMIN;PI | Defines the cascading order for extracting the addresses | A | CONFG |
KFS-COA | ObjectCode | ENABLE_RESEARCH_ADMIN_OBJECT_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_IND | Y | Set this value to Y if you are using both Research Admin System and KFS and wish for KC budgets to use KFS Object Codes. This will cause the Research Admin Attributes tab to appear on the Object Code document. Set this value to N if you are not using Research Admin System and KFS or if you wish Research Admin System to maintain a distinct list of object codes. | A | CONFG |
KFS-ENDOW | PooledFundControlTransactionsStep | INCOM_NO_ROUTE_IND | Y | Flag to specify if an automatically (system) generated Pooled Fund Control Income Distribution transaction eDoc will be submitted without routing for approval (Yes) or for manual approval through workflow (No). | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | All | ACH_BANK_INPUT_FILE | FedACHdir.txt | The name of the file to load into the Federal ACH Bank Directory File. This file is used to validate bank routing numbers. | A | CONFG |
KFS-PDP | All | NO_PAYMENT_FILE_TO_EMAIL_ADDRESSES | knoreceipt-l@indiana.edu | A central administrative email address to send a notice to when PDP can not determine the customers email address during the file load process. | A | CONFG |
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