Development Recommendations

You should never need to modify a delivered file. If you feel like you have to, report a bug.

Weekly release notes are sent to Source with full commit history is available at (see CHANGELOG.txt for technical release notes).

Getting the latest and GREATEST Kuali Financials

Consuming new Kuali Financials

We recommend that you use the weekly builds that we publish to These occur on most Thursdays, but we have published builds off cycle as well. Partners should have received credentials to log into this system and download artifacts. If you have not, please contact

Here is the relevant dependency:


Please check to see if a newer release has been published. For example, you could have an authenticated job that looks at the meta-data daily and checks to see if a newer version is available. We do not recommend you use a -SNAPSHOT version of Kuali Financials unless you insist on being on the bleeding edge.

Proxying to your local nexus instance

In order to cut down on configuration creep with maven/nexus, you can proxy to your local instance. We ask that you require authentication to your instance/repository if you wish to take advantage of proxying and restrict access to your institution.