5.0.2 Post Release Patches
rice-client-script.xml Liquibase Script Update - 5/23/2013
Issue: The script referenced SQL files for the Rice 2.1.3 and 2.1.6 client update Oracle changesets, but Oracle requires the SQL to be inline.
Instructions: Either use the rice_213_client_final_oracle.sql and rice_216_client_final_oracle.sql scripts (from the kfs/work/db/upgrades/5.0.1_5.0.2/db directory) directly to apply Rice client updates to a KFS Oracle database, or apply the attached patch to the kfs/work/db/upgrades/5.0.1_5.0.2/db/rice-client-script.xml file.
NOTE: This issue is fixed in the KFS 5.0.3 internal patch release.
ShopCatalogs.jsp Update - 5/30/2013
This patch is superseded by the 6/30/2013 ShopCatalogs.jsp patch.
Issue: The iframePortletContainer tag in the ShopCatalogs.jsp has an invalid frameHeight attribute, which causes a stacktrace when the Shop Catalogs link is clicked (see screenshot below).
Instructions: Apply the attached patch to the kfs/work/web-root/jsp/module/purap/ShopCatalogs.jsp file.
NOTE: This issue is fixed in the KFS 5.0.3 internal patch release (see: - KFSOLD-22735Shop Catalogs link results in error message in INT 5.0.3 ( Closed) )
ShopCatalogs.jsp Update - 6/10/2013
This patch supersedes the 5/30/2013 ShopCatalogs.jsp patch.
Issue: The iframePortletContainer tag changes made for Rice 2.x (see: - KFSOLD-22568IE9 Dropdown issues in various docs ( Closed) and - KFSOLD-22681Scrolling now required for Custom Doc Searches ( Closed) ) are not compatible with Shop Catalogs/SciQeust integration. This resulted in a situation where applying the ShopCatalogs.jsp patch above resulted in a blank page when clicking the Shop Catalogs link. To address this problem, we have pulled the code from the old iframePortletContainer directly into the ShopCatalogs.jsp
Instructions: Apply the attached patch to the kfs/work/web-root/jsp/module/purap/ShopCatalogs.jsp file.
NOTE: This issue is fixed in the KFS 5.0.3 internal patch release (see: - KFSOLD-22631Error when clicking on Shop Catalogs in INT 5.0.3 ( Closed) )
On 9/25/2013, this patch was also applied to the KFS Testdrive (KFS 5.0.2) environment.
kfskc_optional_kim_upgrade.xml Liquibase Update Script - 6/21/2013
Issue: There is one KIM Role/Member mapping required for KFS/KC integration. The data for this mapping is included in the baseline data used for a clean db refresh in kfs/work/db/rice-data/07_bootstrap_kfskc_krim_role_perm_data.xml and the corresponding kfs/work/db/rice-data/kfskc_bootstrap/krim_role_mbr_t.csv data file. However there was no corresponding liquibase upgrade script released with KFS 5.0.2.
Instructions: Use the attached liquibase upgrade script to create SQL or apply the db changes directly to the Rice instance used for KFS when KC Integration is enabled.
NOTE: This script is included with the KFS project as of the KFS 5.0.4 internal patch release.