5.0.2 Configuration Property Changes
5.0.2 Configuration Property Changes
Property Name | Base Location | Change Type | Delivered Value | Notes |
deploy.local.cas.server authentication.filter.definition authentication.filter.mappings cas.context.name cas.context.file cas.datasource.username cas.datasource.password cas.require.https cas.validate.password | N/A (formerly cas.properties) | Removed | Support for deploying a local cas server for development has been removed. Since the authentication check is completely abstracted from the implementation, it was not adding any value and the old implementation was not sustainable with the release of Rice 2.0. | |
kfs.version | build.properties | New | 5.0.2 | Current version of the KFS application. Do not change. This will be used when publishing services to the KSB. |
application.id | build.properties | New | KFS | value = KFS. Used to identify the application as KFS on the Kuali service bus. This value is used when there are multiple nodes (servers) running KFS so that they are recognized as the same system to the KSB. |
app.code | build.properties | New | kfs | Prefix used for building the application context. |
kfs.service.namespace.uri | build.properties | New | http://kfs.kuali.org/kfs/v5_0 | Namespace for KFS services on the Kuali Service Bus. DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING! |
kc-kfs.kfs.service.namespace.uri | build.properties | New | http://kfs.kuali.org/kc-kfs/v2_0 | Namespace for KFS KC-KFS integration services on the Kuali Service Bus. DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING! |
module.endowment.enabled | build.properties | Modified | FALSE | The endowment module is being turned off for 5.0.2 public release given lack of testing. |
kuali.coeus.integration.bus.security.enabled | build.properties | New | FALSE | Used to determine whether bus security is enabled for KFS / KC integration when using a shared Rice instance. |
bootstrap.spring.file | build.properties | New | classpath:kfs-startup.xml | The Spring context file that should be loaded first. |
core.property.files | build.properties | Modified | \ classpath:org/kuali/rice/krad/ApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/rice/krad/KRAD-ApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/rice/kew/ApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/rice/ksb/ApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/rice/kim/ApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/rice/krms/ApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/rice/core/web/cache/CacheApplicationResources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/coa/coa-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/fp/fp-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/gl/gl-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/pdp/pdp-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/sys-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sec/sec-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/vnd/vnd-resources.properties | This property's contents were changed to reflect that each module has a property file rather than all modules' properties in a single ApplicationResources.properties file. If you have overridden this property in KFS 4.x, you will want to move your new file references to the institution.property.files property. |
core.rice.struts.message.resources | web.properties | Modified | Same as above. | |
optional.module.property.files | build.properties | New | ,classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/ar-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/bc/bc-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cab/cab-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cam/cam-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cg/cg-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ec/ec-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/endow/endow-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ld/ld-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/external/kc/kc-resources.properties,\ classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/purap-resources.properties | Since the property files were broken out in KFS 5.x, this property was created to hold the references to the various optional module property files. |
optional.module.rice.struts.message.resources | web.properties | New | Same as above. | |
optional.module.property.test.files | build.properties | New | Same as above. | |
property.files | build.properties | Modified | ${core.property.files}${optional.module.property.files}${institution.property.files} | Modified to accomodate breaking out property files for KFS 5.x. |
property.test.files | build.properties | Modified | ${core.property.test.files}${optional.module.property.test.files}${institution.property.test.files} | Same as above. |
ojb.persistencebroker.pool.maxactive | database.properties | Modified | 200 | It's not so much that it is changed, but it may need to be larger than under KFS 4.x. In general, it seems that it needs to be about 4-times the size of the maximum database pool size. It used to default to the pool size, but this number needs to cover the maximum size of *all* connection pools in the application. (4) |
oracle.xa.datasource.class | database.properties | New | oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource | JDBC DataSource class for Oracle which supports XA distributed transactions |
mysql.xa.datasource.class | database.properties | New | com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource | JDBC DataSource class for MySQL which supports XA distributed transactions |
non.xa.pool.datasource.class | database.properties | New | bitronix.tm.resource.jdbc.lrc.LrcXADataSource | JDBC DataSource class for a non-XA JDBC resource emulating XA with Last Resource Commit |
mysql.server.datasource.platform | database.properties | Modified | org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.platform.MySQLDatabasePlatform | Rice class for handling Differences between database versions |
oracle.server.datasource.platform | database.properties | Modified | org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.platform.OracleDatabasePlatform | " |
mysql.impex.admin.username | database.properties | New | root | Admin user used for the impex db import portion of the db refresh when MySQL is the specified platform. This account will be used to create and destroy users and schemas, and for MySQL, must be an account with administrative privileges (such as root). |
mysql.impex.admin.password | database.properties | New | Password for the above account. | |
oracle.impex.admin.username | database.properties | New | kuluser_admin | Admin user used for the impex db import portion of the db refresh when Oracle is the specified platform. This account will be used to create and destroy users and schemas and for Oracle, must have execute privilege on the KULUSER_MAINT_PK package owned by the account specified in the oracle.impex.tool.schema property. |
oracle.impex.admin.password | database.properties | New | kuluser_admin | Password for the above account. |
oracle.impex.tool.schema | database.properties | New | kulusermaint | Only used for Oracle imports. Account which contains the KULUSER_MAINT_PK package and has permissions to create and drop users and kill sessions. |
liquibase.logLevel | database.properties | New | info | Default log level for the liquibase portion of the db refresh process. NOTE: In a local development environment info is much faster than debug. |
datasource.pool.size | database.properties | Removed | Due to changes in the pooling implementation, this property is now gone and has been replaced by the properties on the next few lines. | |
rice.server.datasource.pool.size | rice.properties | Removed | Due to changes in the pooling implementation, this property is now gone along with datasource.pool.size | |
datasource.maximum.cached.preparedstatements | database.properties | Modified | commented out | currently commented out and unused specify the number of prepared statements cached per connection |
datasource.xapool.connection.test.mode | database.properties | Modified | commented out | currently commented out and unused XAPool connection test mode: 0: no check, the connection is taken from the pool without any verification 1: test if the connection is closed or not, if it is closed, another connection is tested, until we can return a valid connection 2: a test is made on the connection with a jdbc statement string. You need to set this string with setJdbcTestStmt(string test) method on StandardXAPoolDataSource object or StandardPoolDataSource object if you use this one. In a lot of case, you can use "select 1" to test your connection. 3: test all the unused connections inside the pool, and verify if a connection is closed. If a connection is closed, the pool removes it and creates a new one if needed. 4: verify all the unused connections from the pool with a jdbc statement string (see level 2, to set up a jdbc statement string) |
connection.pool.impl | database.properties | New | XAPool | Specifies the implementation of the connection pool for the purpose of transaction management. Presently, the only supported value is "XAPool" (same as KFS 4.x) but other transaction managers will be added in future release of KFS and Rice. |
datasource.pool.maxActive | database.properties | New | 50 | The maximum number of connections which can be checked out from the pool at any given time. Requests beyond this number will block until a connection is returned to the pool. |
datasource.pool.minIdle | database.properties | New | 5 | The minimum number of connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being created. |
datasource.pool.initialSize | database.properties | New | 5 | How many connections to open (per datasource) upon application startup. |
datasource.pool.maxSize | database.properties | New | 50 | The maximum number of connections which the connection pool will maintain between the application server and the database. |
datasource.pool.minSize | database.properties | New | 5 | The minimum number of connections which the connection pool will maintain between the application server and the database. |
datasource.pool.maxWait | database.properties | New | 30000 | The number of milliseconds for which to wait for a connection slot to become available in the pool. After this time, the connection attempt will fail and throw an exception. |
datasource.btm.journal | database.properties | New | null | Configure Bitronix logging; disabled with value of null. |
datasource.btm.transactionTimeout | database.properties | New | 120 | Transactional Connection timeout in seconds. Recommendation for load testing: 120 |
encryption.key | rice.properties | Modified | Not that anyone should be using the default key provided by the foundation, but if you are, the value of this property has been changed to account for a change in the cryptography library. If you have any data in your database encrypted with the old key value from KFS 4.1.1, you will need to update your security.properties with the new value in rice.properties. | |
*.spring.source.files *.spring.files | spring.properties | Modification | All of the resources which are retrieved by Spring should now use an URI-style designation rather than just listing the path. Changes in underlying frameworks have made the use of paths without a scheme ambiguous. (E.g., is org/kuali/kfs/sys/spring-sys.xml a file system path, and if so, what is the base path in which it should be resolved?) Instead, all properties like that above should explicitly state how they are to be found. E.g., classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/spring-sys.xml | |
spring.transaction.bean.file | spring.properties | Removed | No longer used with changes to Spring configuration. | |
spring.datasource.bean.file | spring.properties | Removed | No longer used with changes to Spring configuration. | |
base.kfs.rice.override.spring.files | spring.properties | Removed | To match some changes in Rice, this property was renamed to kfs.krad.override.spring.files. | |
kfs.krad.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | List of Spring configuration files which should be injected into the KRAD/KR module of the Rice portion of the application. | |
access.security.rice.spring.files | spring.properties | Removed | To match some changes in Rice, this property was renamed to access.security.krad.override.spring.files | |
access.security.krad.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | Used to inject custom versions of services for the Access Security module. | |
core.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | This and the *.override.spring.files below can be used to inject custom versions of services into the specified Rice module. | |
coreservice.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | " | |
kim.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | " | |
kew.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | " | |
ksb.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | " | |
location.override.spring.files | spring.properties | New | " | |
kfs.ehcache.config.location | build.properties | New | classpath:kfs.ehcache.xml | Location of the configuration file for the EHCache settings for KFS objects. |
step.status.check.interval | build.properties | New | Unused and depracated batch container setting | |
kim.callback.service.bus.security.enabled | build.properties | New | TRUE | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
kew.callback.service.bus.security.enabled | build.properties | New | TRUE | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
cache.service.bus.security.enabled | build.properties | New | TRUE | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
soap.service.default.service.bus.security.enabled | build.properties | New | FALSE | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
tests.non.java.resources | build.properties | Modified | ${non.java.resources},\ **/*.txt,\ **/*.csv,\ **/*.sql,\ **/BatchInputFileWithNoExtension | Non-Java files that should be included in the classpath for unit testing. |
accountCreationServiceSOAP.expose | build.properties | Modified | FALSE | This will either enable or disable the KC web-service used to create a CG account. Used in conjunction with other KFS/KC integration parameters. |
rice.lib.jars.to.exclude | build.properties | Modified | **/log4j*,\ **/commons-logging*,\ **/connector-api*,\ **/jta*,\ **/itext*,\ **/ojdbc*,\ **/mysql*,\ **/hsqldb-*.jar | These are JAR files which we want to exclude from the Rice project because they either: 1) are old (unused even by Rice) 2) are problems with the Rice classpath we don't want to inherit 3) are older than the version that KFS is currently using 4) are in our build/external/appserver directory and we don't want duplicates in WEB-INF/lib |
runtime.only.jars | build.properties | Modified | abdera*.jar,\ activation*.jar,\ aopalliance*.jar,\ asm*.jar,\ avalon*.jar,\ backport*.jar,\ batik*.jar,\ bcprov*.jar,\ cas*.jar,\ cglib*.jar,\ commons-dbcp-*.jar,\ commons-el*.jar,\ commons-httpclient-*.jar,\ commons-pool-*.jar,\ connector-api*.jar,\ geronimo*.jar,\ jasper-*.jar,\ jaxen*.jar,\ jboss*.jar,\ jdom*.jar,\ jotm*.jar,\ mysql*.jar,\ ojdbc*.jar,\ opensaml*.jar,\ p6spy*.jar,\ saaj-impl*.jar,\ struts-el*.jar,\ taglibs*.jar,\ wsdl4j*.jar,\ wss4j*.jar,\ wstx*.jar,\ xalan-serializer*.jar,\ xml-resolver*.jar,\ XmlSchema*.jar,\ xmlsec*.jar,\ xpp3*.jar,\ javamelody*.jar #xapool*.jar,\ | These are libraries which should not be referenced in KFS code. They need to be there for runtime testing, but their classes should not be referenced in KFS code. |
base.directory | directory.properties | Modified | ${basedir.safe}/kuali | The base directory during the build process to locate supporting files not in the KFS project. Changed base directories to not default to root dirs, to keep all files within the main project folder, and to be consistent across platforms. |
appserver.home | directory.properties | Modified | ${basedir.safe}/build/tomcat | Determines where the build will look for your application server. Changed to be consistent across platforms. |
external.config.directory | directory.properties | Modified | ${basedir.safe}/build/temp/opt | The base directory for external configuration files and work directories. Changed to be consistent across platforms. |
appserver.lib.dir | directory.properties | Modified | ${appserver.home}/lib | uncommented for 5.0.2 |
appserver.classes.dir | directory.properties | Modified | ${appserver.home}/lib | uncommented for 5.0.2 |
impex.directory | directory.properties | New | ${database.directory}/kfs-db/db-impex | Root directory for impex tool; included in KFS project as of 5.0.1. |
base.deploy.directory | directory.properties | Removed | ||
security.directory | directory.properties | Modified | ${base.security.directory}/${build.environment}/kfs | After updating ant files to have different project names to allow them to display different names in Eclipse, replaced ${ant.project.name} property with kfs |
settings.directory | directory.properties | Modified | ${base.settings.directory}/${build.environment}/kfs | " |
logs.directory | directory.properties | Modified | ${base.logs.directory}/${build.environment}/kfs | " |
external.work.directory | directory.properties | Modified | ${base.work.directory}/${build.environment}/kfs | " |
deploy.working.directory | directory.properties | Removed | ||
log4j.library.file | logging.properties | Removed | ||
kfs.rice.version | rice.properties | Modified | 2.1.6 | Rice version for KFS 5.0.2 updated to 2.1.6 |
rice.server.war.directory | rice.properties | New | ${build.appserver.directory} | Added property to point the the directory with the Rice server war used for copying Rice web content. |
rice.kew.ignoreUnknownPrincipalIds | rice.properties | New | TRUE | If false, KEW will fail (throw to exception) documents with invalid principals in their route actions |
application.url | url.properties | Modified | ${appserver.url}/${app.code}-${build.environment} | The base url of the application, replaced ${ant.project.name} with ${app.code} |
kc.application.url | url.properties | Modified | http://localhost:8080/kc-trunk | Kuali Coeus application server URL, replaced foundation KC server URL with localhost. |
core.jstl.constants.classnames | web.properties | Removed | No longer used. | |
jstl.constants.main.class | web.properties | Removed | No longer used. | |
core.javascript.files | web.properties | Modified | krad/plugins/jquery/jquery-1.6.3.js,\ krad/plugins/cookie/jquery.cookie.js,\ kr/scripts/core.js,\ kr/scripts/dhtml.js,\ kr/scripts/my_common.js,\ kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/calendar.js,\ kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/lang/calendar-en.js,\ kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/calendar-setup.js,\ dwr/engine.js,dwr/util.js,\ dwr/interface/PersonService.js,\ kr/scripts/objectInfo.js,\ scripts/rice-overrides.js | Modified to accomodate portal changes pulled in from Rice. |
core.portal.javascript.files | web.properties | Modified | krad/plugins/jquery/jquery-1.6.3.js,\ krad/plugins/cookie/jquery.cookie.js,\ krad/plugins/scrollto/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js,\ krad/plugins/blockUI/jquery.blockUI.js,\ kr/scripts/my_common.js,\ krad/plugins/easydrag/jquery.easydrag.js,\ krad/plugins/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js,\ krad/plugins/easing/jquery.easing-1.3.pack.js,\ krad/plugins/jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl.js,\ krad/scripts/portal.initialize.js,\ rice-portal/scripts/easyXDM/easyXDM.js | Same as above. |
javamelody.system.actions.enabled | web.properties | New | FALSE | Use for JavaMelody monitoring configuration. This parameter enables or disables the system actions garbage collector, http sessions, heap dump, memory histogram, process list, jndi tree, opened jdbc connections, database (near the bottom of reports). These actions have confirmations when necessary. |
monitoring.filter.definitions | web.properties | New | \ <filter>\n\ <filter-name>monitoring</filter-name>\n\ <filter-class>net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter</filter-class>\n\ <init-param>\n\ <param-name>url-exclude-pattern</param-name>\n\ <param-value>/static/.*|/kr/static/.*|/kr/images/.*|/images-portal/.*</param-value>\n\ </init-param>\n\ <init-param>\n\ <param-name>system-actions-enabled</param-name>\n\ <param-value>${javamelody.system.actions.enabled}</param-value>\n\ </init-param>\n\ <init-param>\n\ <param-name>http-transform-pattern</param-name>\n\ <param-value>\\d+</param-value>\n\ </init-param>\n\ </filter>\n\ <filter-mapping>\n\ <filter-name>monitoring</filter-name>\n\ <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>\n\ </filter-mapping>\n\ <listener>\n\ <listener-class>net.bull.javamelody.SessionListener</listener-class>\n\ </listener>\n | Use for JavaMelody monitoring configuration. |
authentication.filter.definition | web.properties | New | <filter>\ \n\t\t<filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t<filter-class>org.jasig.cas.client.authentication.AuthenticationFilter</filter-class>\ \n\t\t<init-param>\ \n\t\t\t<param-name>casServerLoginUrl</param-name>\ \n\t\t\t<param-value>${cas.url}/login</param-value>\ \n\t\t</init-param>\ \n\t\t<init-param>\ \n\t\t\t<param-name>serverName</param-name>\ \n\t\t\t<param-value>${appserver.url}</param-value>\ \n\t\t</init-param>\ \n\t</filter>\ \n\t<filter>\ \n\t\t<filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t<filter-class>org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ProxyReceivingTicketValidationFilter</filter-class>\ \n\t\t<init-param>\ \n\t\t\t<param-name>casServerUrlPrefix</param-name>\ \n\t\t\t<param-value>${cas.url}</param-value>\ \n\t\t</init-param>\ \n\t\t<init-param>\ \n\t\t\t<param-name>serverName</param-name>\ \n\t\t\t<param-value>${appserver.url}</param-value>\ \n\t\t</init-param>\ \n\t</filter>\ \n\t<filter>\ \n\t\t<filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t<filter-class>org.jasig.cas.client.util.HttpServletRequestWrapperFilter</filter-class>\ \n\t</filter> | Web Authentication; the value of this property will be included in the filter section of web.xml This note is mainly for developers. If you were using the "DummyLoginFilter" in KFS 4.x, you will need to update the definition of this property to reference the new class name: org.kuali.kfs.sys.web.filter.DevelopmentLoginFilter |
authentication.filter.mappings | web.properties | New | <filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>action</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>action</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>action</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>batchFileUpload</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>batchFileUpload</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t<filter-mapping>\ \n\t\t\t<filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>\ \n\t\t\t<servlet-name>batchFileUpload</servlet-name>\ \n\t\t</filter-mapping> | The value of this property will be included in the filter mapping section of web.xml |
rice.struts.message.resources | web.properties | Modified | ${core.rice.struts.message.resources} ${optional.module.rice.struts.message.resources} ${institution.rice.struts.message.resources} | Modified to include optional.module.rice.struts.message.resources |
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