

KFS is designed to allow implementers to pick and choose the chunks of functionality they need. There are 5 core modules, which must be implemented and are directly relied on by the other modules: COA, FP, GL, VND, and PDP. The other modules are optional, and interface with each other via module services, which may be overridden if that functionality is to reside outside of KFS. Module services reside in org.kuali.module.integration.<module code> packages and contain all methods that the core financial system and other optional modules need to call. This includes data access methods, business rules, document spawning etc. The implementations for these interfaces live in org.kuali.module.<module code>.service.impl packages

There are also interfaces in the org.kuali.module.integration.<module code> packages for business objects that the core financial system and other optional modules need to deal with as parameters or return values from module service methods or reference from lookups, documents, etc. These objects are referred to as Externalizable Business Objects.  Normally, org.kuali.kfs.module.<module code>.businessobject contains a natural implementation for the externalizable business object interface.  When such a business object does not already exist, an implementation is created in org.kuali.kfs.integration.<module code>.businessobject class. The corresponding beans are defined in org.kuali.kfs.integration.spring-integration.xml (as map entries for the "externalizableBusinessObjectImplementations" property of their particular modules ModuleConfiguration bean) and should have matching data dictionary files created.




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 Copyright © 2014 Kuali, Inc. All rights reserved. 

Portions of Kuali are copyrighted by other parties as described in the Acknowledgments screen. 

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