Test Batch Jobs
Over the history of KFS, a couple of batch jobs have been created to perform large tasks that usually are not supposed to be run in production, but which are useful in development or test environments. Most of the tasks are intensive and are perhaps of marginal value, but the batch jobs perform these thankless tasks admirably, without questioning the purpose or complaining of the dangers of the work. This is a page about those jobs: the Test Batch Jobs.
Job Name | Module | Spring File | Description |
purapMassRequisitionJob | KFS-PURAP | classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/spring-test-env-beans.xml | This job uses foundation data to create a great many requisitions, which can then be turned into Purchase Orders, etc. |
customerInvoiceDocumentBatchJob | KFS-AR | classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/spring-test-env-beans.xml | This job uses foundation data to create a great many AR customer invoices. |
The Test Batch Jobs are all enabled in the same way: simply append the spring file listed above at the end of the "spring.source.files" property in your runtime configuration properties override file. Make sure to pass that file into your application server or batch instance when they start running. Assuming the Quartz scheduler is activated, simply go to the schedule page and look up the jobs in the module the job should be in. The job should be present and can be run through the Quartz scheduler, just like any other job.