

Specifying an Inquiry in the Data Dictionary

The inquiry definition indicates which fields are displayed in what order on inquiry screens. Inquiry screens are used to allow users to drill down and find detailed information about a row in the database. For example, lookup results often contain underlined values (i.e. a link), and clicking them will display a screen with more information about that field. It has the following format.

Account.xml - Inquiry Definition
<bean id="Account-inquiryDefinition" parent="Account-inquiryDefinition-parentBean"/>

  <bean id="Account-inquiryDefinition-parentBean" abstract="true" parent="InquiryDefinition">
    <property name="title" value="Account Inquiry"/>
    <property name="inquirySections">
        <bean parent="InquirySectionDefinition" p:title="Account Details">
          <property name="inquiryFields">
              <dd:field attributeName="chartOfAccounts.codeAndDescription"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="accountNumber" inquiry="no"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="accountName"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="organization.codeAndDescription"/>
        <bean parent="InquirySectionDefinition" p:title="Account Responsibility">
          <property name="inquiryFields">

              <dd:field attributeName="accountFiscalOfficerUser.principalName"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="accountSupervisoryUser.principalName"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="accountManagerUser.principalName"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="continuationFinChrtOfAcctCd"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="continuationAccountNumber"/>
        <bean parent="InquirySectionDefinition" p:title="Contracts and Grants">
          <property name="inquiryFields">
              <dd:field attributeName="contractControlFinCoaCode"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="contractControlAccountNumber"/>
              <dd:field attributeName="contractsAndGrantsAccountResponsibilityId"/>
        <bean parent="InquirySectionDefinition" p:title="Awards">
          <property name="inquiryFields">
              <bean parent="InquiryCollectionDefinition" p:attributeName="awards" p:businessObjectClass="org.kuali.kfs.integration.cg.ContractsAndGrantsAccountAwardInformation">
                <property name="inquiryFields">
                    <dd:field attributeName="proposalNumber"/>
                    <dd:field attributeName="projectDirector.name"/>

The title is used as the page title on the inquiry screen. Each of the FieldDefinition beans describes the BO's properties that will be shown on the inquiry screen.

Note that a field can point to a property of a reference object (or property of a reference of a reference, etc.).  In the above example, "chartOfAccounts.codeAndDescription" refers to the code and description property of the chartOfAccounts reference object.

There are other advanced options when defining inquiries. Please consult the JavaDoc for more details.

Customizing Inquiries

Just as with lookups, we sometimes want the inquiry screen to work a bit differently than most vanilla inquiries. Any business object that is being seen on an Inquiry screen is wrapped in an implementation of org.kuali.kfs.kns.inquiry.Inquirable. There are two default implementations that can be extended: org.kuali.kfs.kns.inquiry.KualiInquirableImpl and its KFS extension, org.kuali.kfs.sys.businessobject.inquiry.KfsInquirableImpl. Most of the time, we'll discuss KualiInquirableImplKfsInquirableImpl adds interesting behavior to the functionality, but one with a smaller set of use cases.

Changing drill down links

A major use case of extending KuaiInquirableImpl is to change the behavior of drill down links. When we perform an inquiry on a business object, the Inquiry screen shows drill down links for all related objects. So, for instance, when we look up an Account in the Account Lookup, and click the account number in the lookup results, it shows the Inquiry page for the Account. Then we see that several of the fields have links for related business objects - for instance, there's a link on the chart line. Click that, and the Inquiry page is replaced with the Inquiry page for that specific Chart object. That's got several related object codes; click on those and we see Object Code inquiries. The Inquiry framework figures all of this out simply by looking at how the O/RM layer and the data dictionary defined relationships with other business objects.

For General Ledger and Labor Ledger inquiries, those drill downs need to be changed for certain fields, and therefore, the Abstract Inquirables defined in each module overrides a special method: getInquiryUrl(). Its parameters are the business object that is the subject of the Inquiry, the name of the attribute that should have a drill down, and a boolean parameter named "forceInquiry," which...er...KualiInquirableImpl doesn't seem to use.

Again, when overriding, one can write code to simply wait for specific attributes and otherwise defer to the inherited version of the method. There is also a helpful utility class, org.kuali.kfs.kns.util.UrlFactory that can be called like so:

UrlFactory.parameterizeUrl(RiceConstants.INQUIRY_ACTION, parameters);

The parameters are a Map of key/value pairs to put into the URL of the Inquiry, typically the method to call, the class of the business object, and any primary keys to find the business object. This, of course, allows for some link substitution, which may well be useful in certain contexts. For instance, based on the class of the object under inquiry or whether a certain attribute is a nested attribute, org.kuali.kfs.gl.businessobject.inquiry.AbstractGLInquirableImpl's implementation of getInquiryUrl() adds or changes parameters.

One can also send back an empty String to prevent a drill down link for appearing at all for the attribute. The ability to do such drill down suppressions leads us to ask...hey...

What does KfsInquirableImpl actually do?

Not much. But one actually important something, and, of course, it has to do with drill down links.

For some KFS business objects, especially those related to General Ledger and Labor Ledger classes, empty fields are represented by dashes. So, for instance, if a general ledger entry doesn't have a related project code, it doesn't keep a null in that field, but rather a field full of a certain number of dashes.

Naturally, if we viewed such an Entry on an Inquiry screen, we wouldn't want to be able to drill down on the dashes, because that would just be silly. Therefore, KfsInquirableImpl makes sure that if the business object has one of three fields consisting of dashes - projectCode, subAccountNumber, or financialSubObjectCode - it returns an empty String as the link url, thus preventing the link from being shown on the Inquiry page. And that's why we might prefer to extend KfsInquirableImpl instead of KualiInquirableImpl.

Decorating the business object

There aren't too many use cases for overriding the default behavior of KualiInquirableImpl.getBusinessObject() (indeed, KfsInquirableImpl doesn't), but let's cover it, in case there ever is a need.

What this method does is take in a Map of primary keys and returns the corresponding business object. KualiInquirableImpl already knows its business object class, and that can be determined through the getBusinessObjectClass() method. KualiInquirableImpl implementation simply uses DD configuration or ModuleService to find the appropriate business object, but again, this behavior can be changed by extending KfsInquirableImpl. Business objects can use this method, for instance, to look up related information.

Customizing the UI

Most of the time, an inquiry will base its UI entirely on the inquiry XML in the business object XML. However, if there's some business reason to go beyond what the data dictionary XML can provide, Inquirable exposes a method called getSections() which provides a great deal of control over how the framework displays the inquiry page.

getSections() takes in the business object that is the subject of the inquiry and returns a List of org.kuali.kfs.kns.web.ui.Section objects to be displayed about that object. Each Section object is, in turn, an amalgamation of org.kuali.kfs.kns.web.ui.Field objects which can be manipulated by the Inquirable. This is a lot of work and can often lead to situations where inquiry pages don't follow KFS standard practice. However, if there is a need for very fine grained control over how the inquiry page looks, this is the ultimate method to get that tweaking power.



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