Financials Database Update Procedures

Financials Database Update Procedures

DB Update Procedures

When building scripts, you need to take into account your Rice server (if running a separate instance) All the database upgrade scripts are broken up on the assumption that you could have separate databases for these components of the Kuali infrastructure. KFS Upgrades are delivered via Liquibase files. This allows for the updates to be given in a database-agnostic fashion. They have been primarily written against Oracle, but have the needed adjustments to allow them to run under MySQL as well, and have been tested against both. For information on how to generate SQL from Liquibase scripts or apply them directly against a database, see the Running Liquibase Scripts section of the Database Coding Standards page, for the Liquibase Overview and Sample Scripts.

Rice Database

Rice databse update scripts should be run before any Financials upgrade scripts. Please see the KFS Technical Release Notes and Upgrade Notes in this KFS Documentation space for instructions on running these for a particular Financials release.

The scripts will be split into client updates (to be run against Financials database) and server updates (to be run against Rice database) and will be available at:


  • kfs-ar/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/db/phase5

  • kfs-bc/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/bc/db/phase5

  • kfs-cam/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/cam/db/phase5

  • kfs-cg/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/cg/db/phase5

  • kfs-core/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/core/db/phase5

  • kfs-ec/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/ec/db/phase5

  • kfs-kc/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/kc/db/phase5

  • kfs-ld/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/ld/db/phase5

  • kfs-purap/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/db/phase5

  • kfs-tem/src/main/resources/org/kuali/kfs/module/tem/db/phase5


  • kfs-core/src/main/resources/org/kuali/rice/db/phase5

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