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These instructions are designed to quickly get you up and running with KFS. They are not designed for deploying the application to a server environment.


  1. Get KFS
  2. Set up your Development Environment

     KFS is currently IDE agnostic. As of KFS 6, no IDE metadata is stored in SCM and KFS should work with multiple IDEs including Eclipse and IntelliJ.

  3. Configure KFS


    Also see the build process page.

    • Override any properties you need to by copying the appropriate file from kfs/src/main/config to a location external to the project (such as your home directory), setting any values you need to override and commenting out or removing the other properties. These values can be overridden by passing any custom properties files on the command line via the 
      -Dadditional.kfs.config.locations property. 
    • See also: Development Configuration
  4. Set Up Your Database


    Note, if you are using Oracle, you need to install the jdbc jar in your local maven repository using a command such as the following:


    mvn install:install-file -Dfile={Path/to/your/ojdbc.jar} -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar

    You will also need to specify the Oracle profile for maven by using the -P oracle command line switch when running Oracle in addition to overriding the appropriate database settings.

  5. Build KFS

    • npm login --registry (one time setup)
    • mvn -DskipTests=true package


      Note, the -DskipTests=true is optional, but if you don't skip the tests, they will take some time to run and aren't strictly necessary for packaging the KFS war.

      For iterative development, you may also want to add -Dhelp.skip=true to the build command line. This skips the unpacking and deployment of the help files, significantly reducing the build time.

  6. Run KFS
    • configure tomcat to use the war created in the previous step in your preferred way(via ide, standalone tomcat, etc)
    • Copy your jdbc driver into the tomcat lib folder
    • pass the following property into tomcat at runtime:
  7. Test the KFS Web Application
  8. Optional: Run the KFS Unit Tests
    • mvn test
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