Property | Default | Notes |
STRING_TO_DATE_FORMATS | MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a;MM/dd/yy;MM/dd/yyyy;MM-dd-yy;MM-dd-yyyy;MMddyy;MMMM dd;yyyy;MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss;MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss;MM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss;MMddyy HH:mm:ss;MMMM dd HH:mm:ss;yyyy HH:mm:ss;yyyy-MM-dd | A semi-colon delimited list of strings representing date formats that the DateTimeService will use to parse dates when DateTimeServiceImpl.convertToSqlDateString) or DateTimeServiceImpl.convertToDate(String) is called. Note that patterns will be applied in the order listed (and the first applicable one will be used). For a more technical description of how characters in the parameter value will be interpreted, please consult the javadocs for java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Any changes will be applied when the application is restarted. |
actionlist.outbox | true | Globally disable or enable the outbox (screen to which there is a link in the action list that shows the documents a user has taken action on). |
attachment.dir.location | ${work.directory}/attachments | Directory where attachments will be stored |
attachments.directory | ${work.directory}/attachments | the base working directory for storage of note-associated attachments that are uploaded by users |
attachments.pending.directory | ${attachments.directory}/pending | The directory that holds attachments before they've been fully processed. |
classpath.resource.prefix | /WEB-INF/classes/ | Needed by DWR |
connection.pool.impl | XAPool | The underlying JDBC connection pool/transaction implementation |
context.names.app | ${app.context.name} | Unused. |
core.mode | LOCAL | Determines how the Rice core module expects to run. Rice core currently runs bundled out of the box, therefore this is set to LOCAL. |
core.url | ${rice.server.url}/core | The base URL for Rice core functionality exposed through web pages. |
coreservice.mode | REMOTE | Determines how the CF core services module expects to run. CF coreservice currently runs Standalone out of the box, therefore this is set to REMOTE. |
datasource.ojb.sequenceManager.className | org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.Kuali${datasource.ojb.platform}SequenceManagerImpl | The class name of the OJB sequence provider. |
datasource.platform | org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.platform.${datasource.ojb.platform}DatabasePlatform | Rice class for handling Differences between database versions |
datasource.pool.class.non.xa | bitronix.tm.resource.jdbc.lrc.LrcXADataSource | The non-transactional JDBC connection pool to use. |
dev.mode | false | Determines where the KSB exposed services will be consumed from: if false, the KSB will look to the bus to consume services; otherwise, if true, it will look for services locally. |
enable.nonproduction.data.unmasking | FALSE | Specifies whether data can be unmasked in non-production environments. Can be used to prevent access to sensitive data if loaded into a test environment. |
externalizable.help.url | ${application.url}/static/help/ | The base url for help content. |
externalizable.images.url | ${externalizable.static.content.url}/images/ | The base url for images that can reside outside the application |
ken.url | ${rice.server.url}/ken | The base URL for Rice Kuali Enterprise Notifications functionality exposed through web pages. |
kew.mode | EMBEDDED | Determines how the Rice Kuali Enterprise Workflow module expects to run. Rice KEW currently runs bundled out of the box, therefore this is set to EMBEDDED. |
kew.url | ${rice.server.url}/kew | The base URL for other Rice Kuali Enterprise Workflow functionality exposed through web pages. |
keystore.file | ${base.directory}/rice.keystore | the single keystore file currently used by the KSB to authenticate services |
kim.mode | EMBEDDED | Determines how the Rice Kuali Identity Module expects to run. Rice KIM currently runs Standalone out of the box, therefore this is set to EMBEDDED. |
kim.url | ${rice.server.url}/kim | The base URL for Rice Kuali Identity Management functionality exposed through web pages. |
kns.css.files | kr/css/kuali.css,kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/calendar-win2k-1.css | A list of CSS files which KNS functionality (or extended web functionality) may use. |
kns.javascript.files | krad/plugins/jquery/jquery-1.6.3.js, krad/plugins/cookie/jquery.cookie.js, kr/scripts/core.js,kr/scripts/dhtml.js, kr/scripts/my_common.js, kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/calendar.js, kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/lang/calendar-en.js, kr/scripts/jscalendar-1.0/calendar-setup.js, dwr/engine.js, dwr/util.js,dwr/interface/PersonService.js, kr/scripts/objectInfo.js,scripts/rice-overrides.js | A list of Javascript files which KNS functionality (or extended web functionality) may use. |
kr.externalizable.images.url | ${application.url}/kr/static/images/ | The URL where images stored in the Rice war can be accessed from. |
kr.incident.mailing.list | An email list to send incident emails to. | |
kr.url | ${rice.server.url}/kr | The base URL for Rice Kuali Nervous System functionality exposed through web pages. |
krad.externalizable.images.url | ${application.url}/krad/images/ | The URL where KRAD images stored in the Rice war can be accessed from |
krad.url | ${rice.server.url}/krad | The base URL for Rice Kuali Rapid Application Development functionality exposed through web pages. |
ksb.mode | REMOTE | Determines how the Rice Kuali Service Bus module expects to run. Rice currently runs bundled out of the box, therefore this is set to LOCAL. |
KualiExceptionIncidentServiceImpl.REPORT_MAIL_LIST | mailing list for the exception incident report email to be sent to | |
location.mode | REMOTE | Determines how the Rice location module expects to run. Rice currently runs Standalone out of the box, therefore this is set to REMOTE. |
mail.transport.protocol | smtp | The mail protocol to send e-mail messages through. |
mailing.list.batch | kfs.notification.batch@kuali.org | The e-mail address where non-production e-mails should be sent. |
memory.monitor.threshold | 0.85 | Determines when the MemoryMonitor considers the application to have exceeded reasonable memory usage (decimal represents percentage of tenured allocation). |
nonproduction.notification.mailing.list | The e-mail address where non-production e-mails should be sent. | |
portal.css.files | css/portal.css | The css files that should be available to the portal |
portal.javascript.files | krad/plugins/jquery/jquery-1.6.3.js, krad/plugins/cookie/jquery.cookie.js, krad/plugins/scrollto/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js, krad/plugins/blockUI/jquery.blockUI.js, kr/scripts/my_common.js, krad/plugins/easydrag/jquery.easydrag.js, krad/plugins/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js, krad/plugins/easing/jquery.easing-1.3.pack.js, krad/plugins/jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl.js, krad/scripts/portal.initialize.js, rice-portal/scripts/easyXDM/easyXDM.js | The javascript files that should be available to the portal. |
rice.core.additionalSpringFiles | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice core definitions. | |
rice.coreservice.additionalSpringFiles | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice core service definitions. | |
rice.kew.additionalSpringFiles | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice Kuali Enterprise Workflow service definitions. | |
rice.kew.enableKENNotification | TRUE | determines if notifications coming out of KEW should be forwarded to KEN |
rice.kew.ignoreUnknownPrincipalIds | FALSE | If false, KEW will fail (throw to exception) documents with invalid principals in their route actions |
rice.kim.additionalSpringFiles | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice Kuali Identity Management service definitions. | |
rice.kr.additionalSpringFiles | classpath:spring-rice-krad-overrides.xml | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice lKuali Kuali Nervous System service definitions. |
rice.ksb.additionalSpringFiles | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice Kuali Service Bus service definitions. | |
rice.ksb.registry.serviceUrl | ${application.url}/remoting/soap/ksb/v2_0/serviceRegistry | should specify Rice standalone instance service registry |
rice.ksb.web.forceEnable | TRUE | When TRUE, publish the KSB user interface components (such as the Message Queue, Thread Pool, Service Registry screens) even when the ksb.mode is not set to local. |
rice.location.additionalSpringFiles | A list of Spring bean definition files which override the out-of-the-box Rice location service definitions. | |
rice.portal.allowed.regex | ^${application.url}(/.*|)|^${rice.url}(/.*|) | A regular expression filter of valid links which the portal will display. |
rice.struts.message.resources | org.kuali.rice.krad.ApplicationResources,org.kuali.rice.krad.KRAD-ApplicationResources, org.kuali.rice.kew.ApplicationResources,org.kuali.rice.ksb.ApplicationResources, org.kuali.rice.kim.ApplicationResources,org.kuali.rice.krms.ApplicationResources, org.kuali.rice.core.web.cache.CacheApplicationResources, org.kuali.kfs.coa.coa-resources,org.kuali.kfs.fp.fp-resources, org.kuali.kfs.gl.gl-resources,org.kuali.kfs.pdp.pdp-resources, org.kuali.kfs.sys.sys-resources,org.kuali.kfs.vnd.vnd-resources, org.kuali.kfs.sec.sec-resources,org.kuali.kfs.module.ar.ar-resources, org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.bc-resources,org.kuali.kfs.module.cab.cab-resources, org.kuali.kfs.module.cam.cam-resources,org.kuali.kfs.module.cg.cg-resources, org.kuali.kfs.module.ec.ec-resources,org.kuali.kfs.module.external.kc.kc-resources, org.kuali.kfs.module.ld.ld-resources,org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.tem-resources, org.kuali.kfs.module.purap.purap-resources | All the files containing user messages that will be displayed via struts tags in jsps for Rice web functionality bundled with KFS. |
serviceServletUrl | ${application.url}/remoting | URL that maps to the KSB Servlet. It handles incoming |
useQuartzDatabase | TRUE | When using the embedded quartz scheduler started by the KSB, indicates whether or not that quartz scheduler should store it's entries in the database. If this is true than other appropriate quartz properties (ksb.org.quartz.*) may need to be set as well (see KSB Module Configuration). |
weeklyEmail.active | TRUE | turn on/off weekly workflow notifications |
workflow.documentsearch.base.url | ${workflow.url}/DocumentSearch.do?docFormKey=88888888&returnLocation=${application.url}/portal.do&hideReturnLink=true | The base URL for the web page for the Rice document search. |
workflow.url | ${rice.server.url}/kew | The base URL for Rice Kuali Enterprise Workflow functionality exposed through web pages. |