Property | Default | Notes |
app.code | kfs | Prefix used for building the application context. |
app.context.name | ${app.code}-${environment} | The app context which will be used to deploy the application. |
application.id | KFS | Used to identify the application as KFS on the Kuali service bus. This value is used when there are multiple nodes (servers) running KFS so that they are recognized as the same system to the KSB. |
application.url | ${base.url}/${app.context.name} | The base url of the application. |
b2b.environment | The environment to pass to the B2B service. | |
b2b.punch.back.action.forwarding.url | /portal.do?channelTitle=Requisition&channelUrl=purapRequisition.do?methodToCall=displayB2BRequisition | The URL within KFS that the B2B system should redirect to, so it can start an order. |
b2b.punch.back.url | The URL where the B2B system should punch back. | |
b2b.punch.out.url | The URL within the B2B system where the Shop Catalogs button should redirect. | |
b2b.purchase.order.url | The URL where approved purchase orders should be sent to actually accomplish the order. | |
b2b.user.agent | kfs | The user agent of the B2B integration. |
base.directory | \${user.home}/kuali/${project.artifactId} | Base directory during the build process to locate supporting files not in the KFS project. |
base.url | http://localhost:8080 | The base URL that the application is being deployed to. |
batch.file.lookup.root.directories | ${staging.directory};${reports.directory} | A list of parent directories to display the full contents of on the Batch File screen. |
batch.quartz.thread.pool.size | 8 | The number of threads Quartz uses while executing jobs. |
batch.schedule.cron.expression | 00 00 23 ? * * | The Quartz cron expression for the scheduleJobTrigger (in KualiSpringBeansKfs.xml), i.e. when should the standard batch schedule run. |
cache.service.bus.security.enabled | true | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
context.names.rice | ${rice.application}-${environment} | The application portion of the url where Rice functionality can be engaged. |
contracts.grants.billing.enabled | false | Whether to include the configuration for the extra Contracts & Grants Billing functionality. |
current.year | 2015 | The year which is shown in the copyright section of the Rice portal. |
datasource.driver | com.mysql.jdbc.Driver | The class name of the JDBC driver to use for this application deployment. |
datasource.ojb.platform | MySQL | Used by the build to configure OJB and determine the appropriate driver and KualiDBPlatform implementations to use |
datasource.pool.class | The class to use for the JDBC connection pool. If empty, the underlying JDBC connection pool/transaction implementation will be responsible for providing. | |
directoriesToCreateOnStartup | ${attachments.directory}, ${attachments.pending.directory}, ${staging.directory.sys.batchContainer}, ${temp.directory},${data.xml.root.location}, | A list of directories which should be created on application startup, if they do not currently exist. |
environment | dev | The name of the specific environment to deploy. |
externalizable.static.content.url | ${application.url}/static | The base url for static content like images and help that could reside within the application or be maintained by other group(s) on other server(s). |
feedback.link.url | URL for the feedback link that can be a way for users to provide feedback, report issues, etc. | |
http.session.timeout.minutes | 90 | Value for the <session-timeout> parameter in web.xml. |
kc-kfs.kfs.service.namespace.uri | http://kfs.kuali.org/kc-kfs/v2_0 | Namespace for KFS KC-KFS integration services on the Kuali Service Bus. Changing this value is discouraged, as it may lead to functionality not being able to find services published by Kuali Coeus on the KSB. |
kc.application.url | Kuali Coeus application server URL used for KFS/KC integration. | |
kew.callback.service.bus.security.enabled | true | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
kfs.datasource.connection.timeout | 100000 | The number of milliseconds to wait to connect to the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.driver.name | ${datasource.driver} | The class name of the JDBC driver to use to contact the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.pool.accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed | true | Determines whether manipulation of the underlying JDBC connection to the KFS database is allowed by the application. |
kfs.datasource.pool.initialSize | 5 | The initial size of the database connection pool for the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.pool.maxActive | 50 | The maximum number of active connections allowed to the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.pool.maxSize | 50 | The maximum number of connections - idle or active - allowed to the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.pool.maxWait | 30000 | The number of milliseconds a connection will wait while running a query or update against the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.pool.minIdle | 5 | The minimum number of idle connections allowed to the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.pool.minSize | 5 | The minimum number of connections - idle or active - allowed to the KFS database. |
kfs.datasource.validating.query | select 1 from dual | The simple query to run against the KFS database to confirm a heartbeat. |
kfs.ehcache.config.location | classpath:kfs.ehcache.xml | Location of the configuration file for the EHCache settings for KFS objects. |
kfs.externalizable.help.url | ${externalizable.static.content.url}/help/ | The base url for help content, referred to from workflow documentation. |
kfs.locale | en_US | The name of the java.util.Locale to use for this deployment of KFS. |
kfs.service.namespace.uri | http://kfs.kuali.org/kfs/v5_0 | Namespace for KFS services on the Kuali Service Bus. Changing this value is discouraged, as it may lead to functionality not being able to find services published on the KSB. |
kfs.url | ${base.url}/${app.context.name} | The url which has the SessionInactivatePage.do to redirect to when a session times out. |
kfs.version | ${version} | Current version of the KFS application, derived from the project.version property set in the Maven POM. Changing is discouraged, as this value is used when publishing services to the KSB. |
kim.callback.service.bus.security.enabled | true | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
ksb.client.url | ${application.url}/ksb | The URL endpoint of the KSB client. |
ksb.server.url | ${rice.server.url}/ksb | The URL endpoint of the KSB server. |
kuali.coeus.integration.bus.security.enabled | false | Used to determine whether bus security is enabled for KFS / KC integration when using a shared Rice instance. |
licensing.contact.email | info@kuali.co | The e-mail address to contact regarding licensing issues. |
log4j.reload.minutes | 5 | Determines how frequently the logging framework (Log4jConfigurer) will check for changes to log4j.properties. |
log4j.settings.file | The file the server will look for to configure log4j | |
logs.directory | ${base.directory}/logs/${environment}/${app.code} | The directory for the log files output by the application (application server user must have write access) |
mail.smtp.connectiontimeout | 10000 | The amount of time to wait while contacting an e-mail server. |
mail.smtp.timeout | 10000 | The amount of time to wait while attempting to send an e-mail message. |
message.queue.url | MessageQueue.do | The Rice web page which displays the current KSB message queue. |
module.access.security.enabled | false | Whether to include the configuration for the Access Security module. (sec) This module overrides pieces of the coa, gl, ld, and purap modules. |
module.accounts.receivable.enabled | true | Whether to include the configuration for the Accounts Receivable module. |
module.capital.asset.enabled | true | Whether to include the configuration for the Capital Asset and Capital Asset Builder Modules. |
module.contracts.and.grants.enabled | true | Whether to include the configuration for the Contracts and Grants module. (cg) Only one of cg or kc can be set to true or both can be set to false. |
module.external.kuali.coeus.enabled | false | Whether to include the configuration for the Kuali Coeus integration. (kc) Only one of cg or kc can be set to true or both can be set to false. |
module.labor.distribution.enabled | true | Whether to include the configuration for the Labor Distribution module. |
module.purchasing.enabled | true | Whether to include the configuration for the Purchasing/Accounts Payable module |
module.travel.enabled | true | Whether to include the configuration for the Travel and Entertainment Module. |
periodic.thread.dump | true | Turns on a background process which logs the current thread state of the application to disk. |
periodic.thread.dump.seconds | 300 | The number of seconds in between loggings of full thread dumps. |
production.environment.code | prd | Determines which build.environment the ConfigurationService considers to be the production environment |
project.build.timestamp | ${project.build.timestamp} | The timestamp when the project was built, which is displayed on every page with the version. |
property.files | classpath:org/kuali/rice/krad/ApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/rice/krad/KRAD-ApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/rice/kew/ApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/rice/ksb/ApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/rice/kim/ApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/rice/krms/ApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/rice/core/web/cache/CacheApplicationResources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/coa/coa-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/fp/fp-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/gl/gl-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/pdp/pdp-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/sys-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sec/sec-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/vnd/vnd-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/ar-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/bc/bc-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cab/cab-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cam/cam-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cg/cg-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ec/ec-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ld/ld-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/tem/tem-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/external/kc/kc-resources.properties, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/purap-resources.properties | All files which have properties to be made available through org.kuali.rice.core.api.config.property.ConfigurationService, including the properties listed on this page and system messages. |
property.test.files | classpath:test-configuration.properties | A list of properties files (which may include overrides) to be used with unit tests. |
report.writer.service.new.line.characters | \n | The character which text reports should use as a new line character. |
reports.directory | ${work.directory}/reports | The base working directory for oltp and batch report generation |
rice.application | kr | The name of the base rice application. |
rice.datasource.connection.timeout | 100000 | The number of milliseconds to wait to connect to the Rice database. |
rice.datasource.driver.name | ${datasource.driver} | The class name of the JDBC driver to use to contact the Rice database. |
rice.datasource.pool.maxSize | 50 | The maximum number of connections - idle or active - allowed to the Rice database. |
rice.datasource.pool.maxWait | 30000 | The number of milliseconds a connection will wait while running a query or update against the Rice database. |
rice.datasource.pool.minSize | 5 | The minimum number of connections - idle or active - allowed to the Rice database. |
rice.datasource.validating.query | select 1 from dual | The simple query to run against the Rice database to confirm a heartbeat. |
rice.server.url | ${application.url} | The base url of the server where the Rice application has been deployed. |
security.property.file | The single secure property file currently used by the application. | |
service.registry.url | ServiceRegistry.do | The Rice web page which displays all services currently registered with the KSB. |
skip.batch.directory.initiation | false | Determines if the files listed in directoriesToCreate should be created when the application starts up or not. |
soap.service.default.service.bus.security.enabled | true | Kuali Service Bus implementation parameter |
spring.source.files | classpath:spring-kfs-imported-rice-beans.xml, classpath:spring-additional-rice-beans.xml, classpath:org/kuali/rice/core/CommonSpringBeans.xml, classpath:kfs-cache-config.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/spring-sys.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/coa/spring-coa.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/fp/spring-fp.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/gl/spring-gl.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/pdp/spring-pdp.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/vnd/spring-vnd.xml, classpath:spring-kfs-batch.xml,classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sec/spring-sec.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sec/spring-sec-gl-overrides.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/integration/spring-integration.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cg/spring-cg.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/spring-ar.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/spring-purap.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/spring-sec-purap-overrides.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cam/spring-cam.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cab/spring-cab.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ld/spring-ld.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/bc/spring-bc.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ec/spring-ec.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ld/spring-sec-ld-overrides.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/tem/spring-tem.xml | The list of Spring bean definition files for KFS. |
spring.test.files | classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/spring-test-env-beans.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/spring-sys-unit-test.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/sys/spring-sys-test.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/gl/spring-gl-test.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/spring-ar-test.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/ar/spring-test-env-beans.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/spring-purap-test.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/purap/spring-test-env-beans.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/cam/spring-cam-test.xml, classpath:org/kuali/kfs/module/tem/spring-tem-test.xml | A list of Spring bean definition files for KFS unit tests. |
staging.directory | ${work.directory}/staging | The base working directory for storage of batch input files |
staging.directory.sys.batchContainer | ${staging.directory}/sys/batchContainer | The directory where batch container trigger files are placed and read. |
temp.directory | ${work.directory}/temp | A directory for temporary file storage, e.g. during pdf generation |
templates.directory | ${work.directory}/templates | A list of parent directories where PDF templates may be found. Currently, only used by Contacts & Grants Billing. |
thread.pool.url | ThreadPool.do | The Rice web page which displays information about the KSB thread pool. |
transaction.timeout | 100000 | Used in datasource configuration to force transactions to timeout if they have run for a problematic period of time. |
travel.reimbursement.initiatelink.enabled | false | Determines if travel reimbursements may be created without an originating travel authorization. |
use.quartz.jdbc.jobstore | false | This property will be set dynamically by the build script, but you can force it by setting it in your kfs-build.properties file. Avoid confusing with use.quartz.database, which is used by the KSB quartz scheduler. |
use.quartz.scheduling | true | Determines whether quartz (SchedulerService and scheduleJob) should be used for batch job scheduling and execution - impacts whether the batch scheduling UI works. |
version | ${kfs.version} | A synonym for kfs.version. |
work.directory | ${base.directory}/work/${environment}/${app.code} | The directory that is the root for the base working directory that is external to the application |
directoriesToCreateOnStartup | ${attachments.directory}, ${attachments.pending.directory}, ${staging.directory.sys.batchContainer}, ${temp.directory}, ${data.xml.root.location}, ${data.xml.loaded.location}, ${data.xml.pending.location}, ${data.xml.problems.location}, ${templates.directory}/ar | A list of directories to create on startup of OLTP |
updateDatabaseOnStartup | false | Whether to call the update db hooks |
updateDatabaseFullRebuild | false | Whether to run all 5 phases of LiquiRational or just the 5th phase |
updateDatabaseContext | bootstrap | Which liquibase context(s) to run |
updateDatabasePackages | org/kuali/kfs/core, org/kuali/kfs/module/ar, org/kuali/kfs/module/bc, org/kuali/kfs/module/cam, org/kuali/kfs/module/cg, org/kuali/kfs/module/ec, org/kuali/kfs/module/kc, org/kuali/kfs/module/ld, org/kuali/kfs/module/purap, org/kuali/kfs/module/tem | Determines which modules to update |
updateDatabasePackagesRice | org/kuali/rice | Determines which modules to update |
updateDocumentstoreOnStartup | false | Whether to update the Mongo document store on startup |
updateDocumentstoreFilePath | classpath:/org/kuali/kfs/core/documentstore/updates.json | Location of Mongo updates |
updateWorkflowOnStartup | false | Whether to ingest workflow on startup |
workflow.path | the path to workflow xml |
At a minimum, you will need to override the following properties:
Name | Description | Example |
base.url | Base URL to Financials | |
rice.server.url | Base URL to your standalone rice | |
rice.url | Same as rice.server.url | |
rice.ksb.registry.serviceUrl | URL to the KSB registry url on your rice instance | ${rice.server.url}/remoting/soap/ksb/v2_0/serviceRegistry |
keystore.file | Location of keystore file used to securely communicate with rice. | /opt/rice.keystore |
rice.datasource.url | JDBC url to rice database | |
rice.datasource.username | username to access rice database | RICE |
rice.datasource.password | password to access rice database | RICE |
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