Description | Maven Command |
Remove all build output | clean |
Run all unit tests and format results | test |
Create artifacts and install them in ~/.m2/repository | install |
Builds the KFS war file | package |
Skip HelpFor iterative development, you may add -Dhelp.skip=true to the build command line. This skips the unpacking and deployment of the help files, significantly reducing the build time.
If you install NodeJS, npm and Webpack outside of Financials, you can run a Webpack in a mode called “watch”. This will look for changes to the script files and create the bundle if the files change. This feature is not available when running maven. You can install node by going to the node web page, https://nodejs.org/, and downloading the appropriate installer for your operating system. On Mac OS X, you can install the Homebrew package manager and install NodeJS via that. On Linux, NodeJS is usually available via your operating system package manager. Once node is installed, you can use the node package manager to install webpack. To do this, follow these steps: